lördag 17 april 2021

210417 Video in English: Todays situation in Bible Prophecy


Video in English: Todays situation in Bible Prophecy

Here is one more Video in English and this time it's about where we are today in the Prophecy. Today we have passed Rev 13, 14 and are at the end of Rev 15. And we have entered the time for the the bowls of anger.r.
Today we are in the 6th Bowl of Anger, Rev. 16:12 - 16, with the Kings from the east entering and taking over more and more of our western world. And we have the three Evil Spirits, the Dragon - The Devil, the Beast - The Globalists with the Socialists , and finally The False Prophet – Islam, all trying to take over the world. And all three go together in War against God to exterminate Israel and the Christians.
But Jesus is coming soon, we can even read here in a special verse here stuffed in among the others here.
So all that we see, as no normal human being understands how it could happen, now and at once and more and more and worse and worse. This is not humans that orkestrake it is  the three Evil Spirits that fors it forward. And when you see that it is the tre Evil Spirits then you understand what is happening today and why everything is as it is.
And you understand why God in Revelation 13, 14 and 15 has in his prophecy pointed especially to our time and what would precede what is happening now. It's so we know he already knew this and that he is with us in this hard time.
Jesus lives and he is the one who will take over the world and all knees will be bowed to him as we can read in Rev 15: 4.
Rev 15: 4. Who really does not follow [obey, fear] you Jesus [Lord], and praise your name, for only you are holy, for all the peoples will come, and will bow down before you, for your righteous decisions [judgments, injunction] is made visible [clarified, manifested].
Link to Video:
Karl Håkan

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